The prompt for this week is: seasoned.
Have a great week everyone!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Link Party: Show Your Style Sunday #1
I'm so excited to be hosting my first link party for you guys today! And it's a special occasion as well since today is Easter! I have no doubt that you guys have so many great ideas for Easter/spring recipes, crafts & DIY projects as well as many, many other ideas!
First off, I wanted to share some of my favorite pins from this week! Enjoy!
Chocolate Wax Seals on Poured Fondant Honey Cupcakes: Sprinkle Bakes |
DIY Tutorial Rosette Lampshade: Simply Ciani |
Cheesy Sausage Tortellini: Kevin & Amanda |
White House Salad for The Biggest Loser |
S'mores Rice Krispie Treats: Six Sisters Stuff |
Carrot Cake Roll: Crazy for Crust |
I'm glad you stopped by Home | Styled, and I hope you have a great time at my very first Link Party: Show Your Style Sunday! So let's get this party started:
- Share as many recipes, crafts & DIY projects as you would like! (Please don't post any giveaways or Etsy shops to this link party)
- Make sure you link directly to your blog post and not your whole blog.
- Link back to Link Party: Show Your Style Sunday in one of two ways: Either grab my button and display it in your post or somewhere on your blog, or insert a text link in your blog post.
- Spread the love around and check out at least 2 other links. Leave them a comment that you found them on the Link Party: Show Your Style Sunday on Home | Styled!
my memories giveaway
I am so excited to introduce you to my memories!
There are so many different products and project ideas at my memories including:
- Digital Scrapbooking
- Craftable Templates
- Photobook Templates
- Album Templates
- Free Kits
- Custom Gifts
- Weekly Challenges
Now for the exciting part! my memories has given the followers of Home | Styled a coupon for $10 off the price of the my memories suite digital scrapbooking software plus $10 towards the store! To get these discounts, simply click here or go to the banner on my sidebar. When you go to your shopping cart, look for the coupon/promo code box and use this code: STMMMS40882
Here's an example of what I used My Memories for!
And now for the giveaway!
One lucky Home | Styled reader will win a free my memories suite digital scrapbooking software! To enter, click the link for rafflecopter below, and the winner will be announced on Sunday April 7!
My Memories Suite Giveaway
And don't forget, if you can't wait a week for this amazing software, click on the banner on my side banner and use the coupon code: STMMMS40882
Here's an example of what I used My Memories for!
And now for the giveaway!
One lucky Home | Styled reader will win a free my memories suite digital scrapbooking software! To enter, click the link for rafflecopter below, and the winner will be announced on Sunday April 7!
My Memories Suite Giveaway
And don't forget, if you can't wait a week for this amazing software, click on the banner on my side banner and use the coupon code: STMMMS40882
Week #252 with Milk Coffee!
Good Morning Sketcher's this week we are sponsored by the fabulous
Our prize this week is fabulous, it's the winner's choice of 5digi's from the
Etsy store!
Here is this weeks super sketch from Jen!
Milk Coffee Guest Designer
March Guest Designer
using Charlotte with Butterfly
The Saturday's and myself would like to wish all our fan's a very Happy Easter!
Now its your turn to play!
Now its your turn to play!
Winner #251
The winner of last weeks sketch sponsored by Prairie Fairy Designs
is no other than............
with this goregous creation.
Please email Susie at for details of how to claim your prize from Prairie Fairy Designs and don't forget to grab the winner's badge from the sidebar!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Because He Lives I can face tomorrow. The words to that song came to my mind as I started this post. There is so much in this world to discourage us that I don't know how people cope who do not have the hope that Christ is risen and because He has been raised, we will also be raised to spend eternity with Him if we believe in Him and accept Him as our savior. Jesus himself said that in this
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Maundy Thursday. Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus...
The Mass of Maundy Thursday
Christchurch, New Zealand.
Fratres, convenientibus vobis in unum...
Brethren, when you come together therefore into one place...
Mandatum novum do vobis...
A new commandment I give unto you...
...alter alterius lavare pedes... wash one another's feet...
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est...
Where are charity and love, God is there...
Timeamus et amemus Deum vivum...
Let us fear and love the living God...
Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.
And let us love one another with sincere hearts.
... et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus.
..and may Christ, our God, be in the midst of us.
Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
O Lord hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto Thee.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
The example of religious life.
Christchurch, New Zealand.
The Sacred Triduum this year is taking place
in the small chapel of a University Hall of residence.
It is a difficult location.
This causes us to pull out all stops to try to make it a success.
The Monastery Garage
Preparations for the Sacred Triduum.
The Brothers are renovating an old altar
which they will transport by trailer to the little chapel
tomorrow morning, Holy Thursday.
Brother Clemens painting the old altar.
There are also matching altar rails thanks to white paint.
Brother has prepared the mensa or altar-top
and is about to lower the altar stone into its place.
Brother Nicodemus Mary is painting with gold obtained
for him by our friend,
the local artist and statue repairer,
Mr. Damian Walker.
Deacon Brother Magdala Maria is
directing Brother Xavier Maria who is inside the altar
lining up the new wooden support.
One of the great consolations of the religious life
is to see Brethren who pray together and
also work together in great peace and mutual co-operation;
"just getting the job done"
working to late at night
to do something worthwhile for Our Lord and for souls.
May God bless their work
and the Holy Triduum.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Double Dipping

Raven’s Nest Specialties Vegetable Dip
Total Time: 2 hrs 5 min
Prep: 5 min
Cook: 2 hrs
Yield: 2 cups
1 package Raven’s Nest Specialties Vegetable Dip
1 cup Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil
I cup Daisy Light Sour Cream
1. Mix all 3 ingredients thoroughly.
2. Refrigerate for about 2 hours.
3. That’s it…serve with Triscuits or Wheat Thins!
Savvy Gourmand Spicy Taco Dip
Total Time: 2 hrs 5 min
Prep: 5 min
Cook: 2 hrs
Yield: 2 cups
1 package Savvy Gourmand Spicy Taco Dip
1 cup Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil
I cup Daisy Light Sour Cream
1. Mix all 3 ingredients thoroughly.
2. Refrigerate for about 2 hours.
3. That’s it…serve with Triscuits or Wheat Thins!
Both of these recipes are done exactly the same, and you can make them both in 5 minutes or less! And you have to check out these 2 companies! Raven's Nest has mulling spices, dips, jams and salsas! (My recommendation, besides this dip, is the Peach Salsa). Savvy Gourmand has sauces, dips, soups and cheese balls! You can also check them out on Facebook here and here!
Monday, March 25, 2013
We adore Thee, O Christ!
I thought that perhaps some of our readers might like to hear this recording of our singing here at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. This rendition of Adoramus Te Christe, by G. P. da Palestrina, was sung during Mass this Palm Sunday, 24th March.
The English-speaking seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP).
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton, NE, USA
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Markets - 30th to 31st March
Saturday 30th March
Hume Murray
Sunday 31st March
Hume Murray
Sunday 31st March
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Palm Sunday in Christchurch, New Zealand
Palm Sunday,
we officially began our apostolate in
the Diocese of Christchurch, New Zealand.
Palm Sunday
Church of St Therese
Riccarton, Christchurch.
click on photos to see them in larger format! :)
The Blessing of Palms in front of the church.
Hosanna filio David.
Hosanna to the Son of David.
Hosanna in excelsis.
Hosanna in the highest.
Procession with Palms.
Brother Clemens strikes the Church doors,
the gates of the city of Jerusalem,
that they be opened to receive the King of Glory.
Attollite, portae, capita vestra,
et attollite vos, fores antiquae,*
ut ingrediatur Rex gloriae!
Lift up O gates, your lintels,
and be ye lifted up, O ancient double doors:
and the King of Glory shall enter in!
Ingrediente Domino in sanctam civitatem,
Hebraeorum pueri
resurrectionem Vitae pronuntiantes,*
cum ramis palmarum:
"Hosanna in excelsis."
As our Lord entered the holy city,
the Hebrew children,
heralding the resurrection of Life,
with palm branches cried out:
"Hosanna in the highest!"
Jesus autem iterum clamans voce magna,
emisit spiritum.
And Jesus again crying with a loud voice,
yielded up the spirit.
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