You can take this prompt in several ways. My first thought was: "If I was born in Palestine/Sudan/Siberia/etc... to a farmer/refugee/seal hunter/etc... who might I have been?" Suppose that everything that is essentially YOU as far as the nature part of it goes was the same, only the nurture was very different. Think for a moment about how the circumstances of your life have shaped who you are, and then mentally rearrange those circumstances. How about if you were an heir or heiress? Could you have avoided becoming Paris Hilton and maintained some sliver of a soul?
OR... Has there been a dramatic crossroads in your life? A road not taken? If you had taken a left turn instead of a right that day back in 1980... might your whole life had turned out differently?
OR... ruminate on your past lives.
OR... go wherever else your imagination leads you when you ponder: Who else might I have been?
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Happy scribblings!
1. alyndabear
2. kunal
3. gigergal
4. -kathryn-
5. maisymac
6. jessy
7. autrice deldrago
8. kay
9. swampgrrl
10. roadchick
11. kerstin
12. carolb
13. felicia
14. chelle y.
15. verity
16. papyrus
17. allonpaper
18. sandra
19. meena
20. jessie
21. kristy
22. karen the neid
23. kamsin
24. commongal
25. boliyou
26. loraloo
27. becca
28. ascenderrisesabove
29. laura young
30. deidre
31. jennifer
32. rachel
33. djpare
34. paris parfait
35. megg
36. hundred and one
37. emmie
38. nutters notes
39. the tart
40. gary
41. michelle fry
42. perplexed text
43. fat charlatan
44. miandmiksmom
45. chiefbiscuit
46. supa anhanh
47. epersonae
48. bella
49. michelle
50. brilliantdonkey
51. leonie
52. bill
53. pacian
54. joy eliz
55. january
56. jblack designs
57. daisy lupin
58. gemma
59. bee
60. melba
61. ceebie
62. ian russell
63. bug
64. chad simpson
65. cynthia e. bagley
66. chris d.
67. anu
68. marilyn
69. wendylou who?
70. brittany
71. yummyteece
72. braen
73. liz elayne
74. malachijones
75. aithbhreac
76. melissa
77. sundaycynce
78. littlemissflora
79. slicesofserendipity
80. samantha
81. tongue in cheek antiques
82. mandi
83. lisrobbe
84. jamsey
85. kelly
86. ang
87. tinker
88. ali la loca
89. amber
90. kristine
91. yolanda
92. annieelf
93. laini
94. la fuerza artemis
95. my pink sky
96. vicki knitorious
97. amber
98. alex
99. star
100. m
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