who was received into the Church
for the
Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
Tuesday of Holy Week,
19 April, 2011
VI anniversary of the election of
Pope Benedict XVI.
Te Deum laudamus!
The Reverend John Hunwicke was for nearly three decades at Lancing College; where he taught Latin and Greek language and literature, was Head of Theology, and Assistant Chaplain. He has served three curacies; been a Parish Priest once and Senior Research Fellow at Pusey House in Oxford. Most recently he was priest-in-charge of St. Thomas the Martyr Church in Oxford, a historic Anglo-Catholic church that was in the forefront of the Oxford Movement, from the revival of vestments and incense to ministering to the urban poor.
On Ash Wednesday, 2011, he, with many of his parishioners, entered a period of preparation in order to be received into communion with the Catholic Church. He is among those former Church of England clergy who is preparing for ordination to the Sacred Priesthood of the Catholic Church via the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
The first part of a beautiful sermon on Our Lady
by Father Hunwicke.
by Father Hunwicke.
A sermon for May.
As I made a bonfire of old homilies, I decided to give this one a last outing on the blog.In lots of places, in the old days, there was a custom of fixing a card to the Paschal Candle giving some dates and times. This year the 'Charta' would have told you that it was the 1978th year since the Lord's Death and Resurrection; the 2011th since his Birth; and also the 2025th since the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Tot it up: you'll see that, according to tradition, our Blessed Lady was 14 when she became God's Mother. There's a picture I find very moving - of a little girl, not much more than a child herself, leaning over the cradle of her baby Son, and murmuring the first endearments that a mother utters to the little thing that was part of her own body only minutes ago ... bonding, as they call it. And, as Divine Baby grew into Divine Toddler, I think we can actually put our finger on some of the things Mary said to her Son. The official language of that time was Greek, but I think that mothers and babies and people in bedrooms and kitchens used, in Palestine, a different languge: Aramaic. I don't think I have much doubt about one word Mary used to our blessed Lord. Imagine him - sitting in whatever sort of high chair they used to feed toddlers in. I think what Mary said was what most parents say: "Open wide". The little mouth opens, and one deftly manoeuvres the spoonful in before it shuts again. And the Aramaic for "Open wide" is Ephphatha. And so, when years later the Redeemer was healing a mute, S Mark tells us that he slipped from talking Greek into Aramiac and said "Ephphatha".
And I think I know another Aramaic word that Mary said to her Saviour. It was while she was teaching him his prayers and telling him about God the Father. She taught him to call God "Abba"; which could be translated "Daddy". In other words, she taught him to keep the Daddy-word, not for S Joseph, but for God the Father of Heaven. And we know Jesus called him "Abba"; he used that word in the Garden of Gethsemane before his arrest: " Abba, not my will but thine be done".
And there's another thing about that Mother and that Baby that people often don't spot. Our God and Lord Jesus Christ didn't have an earthly, human father; his Father was the First Person of the Blessed Trinity. Now: you know how it is with an ordinary baby: "Cor - he's got his mother's nose". "Look: she's got her father's ears". But this Baby ... there's only one person he could look like: Mary. If you could have seen them side by side, I'm sure you would have spotted the uncanny similarities; the distance between the eyes, perhaps; the curl of the lips; the shape of the fingermnails; some indefinable likeness in the way each of them walked. Just as identical twins are so very like each other, I suspect that Mother and that Son must have been very strikingly similar. And, as our Lord took his humanity solely and uniquely from Mary's, I wonder if his human mind ran along the same tracks as hers; so that each often felt they knew what the other was thinking before anybody actually said anything ... as happens with some identical twins.
The sermon continues via this link.
After a brief respite
Father Hunwicke's Liturgical Notes
is back online.
After a brief respite
Father Hunwicke's Liturgical Notes
is back online.
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