Wednesday 1st October
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 4th October
Bundoora Park Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
Daylesford Farmers' Market
East Gippsland Farmers' Market
Growers Market on the Green
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Kingston Farmers' Market
Murrabit Markets
South Gippsland Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Tatong Farmers' Market
Veg Out St Kilda Farmers' Market
Sunday 5th October
Castlemaine Farmers' Market
Creswick Market at the Mill
Gisborne Olde Time Market
Heathmont Farmer's Market
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A New Sunday
Every week I think about what I want to say for Spiritual Sunday and change my mind often. It just always seems to amaze me how the Holy Spirit guides my heart on each and every Sunday. Also how he touches my heart every time I read each and every post. Thank-you for being a big part of this blog. I also wanted to thank Charlotte on what a beautiful job she has done decorating this site. Every
Thursday, September 25, 2008
#130 -- Wedding
In honor of Meg, who's gone of to get married this week (yay, Meg & Mark!), the prompt this week is Wedding. Go anywhere you want with it!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Week 39: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 24th September
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 27th September
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
Berwick/Casey Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Churchill Island Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Famers' Market
Lancefield and District Farmers' Market
Slow Food Farmers' Market
Sorrento Farmers' Market
Yarraville Farmers' Market
Sunday 28th September
Rotary Farmers' Produce Market
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 27th September
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
Berwick/Casey Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Churchill Island Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Famers' Market
Lancefield and District Farmers' Market
Slow Food Farmers' Market
Sorrento Farmers' Market
Yarraville Farmers' Market
Sunday 28th September
Rotary Farmers' Produce Market
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Welcome back to Spiritual Sundays. I hope everyone had a good week. Hopefully you didn't have as many ups and downs as the stock market and financial institutions have had this week. I think this is a good reminder that we can't always depend on anything or anybody in this world. Isn't it wonderful to know that our Father in Heaven is dependable and even when things in this world come crashing
Friday, September 19, 2008
#129 - Invitation
Like Laini last week, I had to really check to see if we had done this one before. It's getting harder and harder to remember all of the prompts, but I think that that is a very good thing! 129 and still going! So this week the prompt is: Invitation. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
To Russ and others -reply about our Masses

Russ Chesebro said...
Are you still offering up prayers for those of us enrolled in the purgatorial society?
Are you still offering up prayers for those of us enrolled in the purgatorial society?
Dear Russ
You are not the first to write to us about this question. We have received many comments, emails and letters asking your question: Are we continuing to offer the daily Holy Mass for all the members of our Purgatorian Archconfraternity in Honour of the Most Holy Redeemer on Golgotha? And is it the Tridentine Mass, the Old Mass, the 1962 Missal?
The unambiguous answer to both of these questions is: Yes!
- Yes. Every day, as agreed, we offer the Holy Mass for the member of our Purgatorian Archconfraternity in Honour of the Most Holy Redeemer on Golgotha.
- Yes. We daily offer that Holy Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962, commonly called the Tridentine Mass.
The reason we are asked this question so often must be because many people seem to think that because we have been reconciled with the Holy See, it means that we are no longer permitted to offer the Old Mass. This is not true at all.
We became reconciled with the Holy See as a response to the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of 7 July 2007 where, among other important statements, the Pope made the following solemn judgments that affect us:
"Art. 1. It is, therefore, permissible to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass following the typical edition of the Roman Missal promulgated by Bl. John XXIII in 1962 and never abrogated, as an extraordinary form of the Liturgy of the Church.
Art. 3. Communities of Institutes of consecrated life..., wishing to celebrate Mass in accordance with the edition of the Roman Missal promulgated in 1962, for conventual or "community" celebration in their oratories, may do so. If ... an entire Institute or Society wishes to undertake such celebrations ...permanently, the decision must be taken by the Superiors Major, in accordance with the law and following their own specific decrees and statues."
These two articles are the Pope's judgment that the Old Mass has never been abrogated and that entire religious communities may decide to offer the Mass according to the 1962 Missal permanently. By the judgment of Pope Benedict XVI we are always permitted to offer Holy Mass according to the 1962 Missal. Thank you Holy Father!
In conclusion therefore:
- We continue, with the Pope's blessing, daily to offer the Holy Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962.
- Daily, we offer the Holy Mass, according to that Roman Missal, for the members of our Purgatorian Archconfraternity in Honour of the Most Holy Redeemer on Golgotha.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Week 38: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 17th September
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 20th September
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kilmore Highland and Produce Market
Korumburra Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Pearcedale Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Sunday 21st September
Bulla Hill Country Market
Inverloch Farmers' Market
Seaford Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Regional Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 20th September
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kilmore Highland and Produce Market
Korumburra Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Pearcedale Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Sunday 21st September
Bulla Hill Country Market
Inverloch Farmers' Market
Seaford Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Regional Farmers' Market
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Spiritual Sundays
Once again it is Spiritual Sunday, I look forward to this day all week. Last week my husband and I stayed home from Church because we were a bit ill. I truly felt like I went to church because of all the wonderful devotions that were right here on Spiritual Sunday. It was such a nice day my husband and I were going back and forth during the day to read each and every one.It is all of you who stop
Thursday, September 11, 2008
#128 -- Coffee
I just had to check back over all the old posts to make sure we hadn't already done this one, and I see we haven't, so: COFFEE. Feelings about it? Love, loathing, indifference? Is it an important part of your life?
If you want, you can extend this prompt to: Daily Addictions. Have fun!
If you want, you can extend this prompt to: Daily Addictions. Have fun!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
COMMUNICADO - With an Unofficial Translation
From the site of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei
Reference: then under: INFORMAZIONE document: 04/09/2008
Riconciliazione del gruppo Transalpine Redemptorists
(Redentoristi Transalpini)
(Redentoristi Transalpini)
Il Padre Gregory Wilson Rae Sim è tornato con la sua comunità alla piena comunione con la Chiesa Cattolica il 18 giugno 2008. Quest’atto di regolarizzazione è stato accettato da Sua Eminenza il Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, Presidente della Pontificia Commissione “Ecclesia Dei”. Padre Gregory aveva fondato un gruppo che si chiamava Transalpine Redemptorists (Redentoristi Transalpini) il 2 agosto 1988 sotto la guida di Sua Eccellenza Mons. Marcel Lefebvre e in quell’occasione ha preso il nome di Padre Michael Mary.
Adesso questa comunità è riconciliata con la Chiesa ed i tre sacerdoti membri sono stati regolarizzati. Come segno di questa piena comunione con la Chiesa Cattolica, hanno cambiato il nome in Figli del Santissimo Redentore e sono in cammino per l’approvazione del loro Istituto. La comunità conta 18 membri, tra i quali i tre sacerdoti, appena regolarizzati. Per le facoltà si procede “ad normam juris”. Da nove anni la comunità risiede nell’isola di Papa Stronsay nella diocesi di Aberdeen in Scozia.
(Translation from the Italian)
On 18 June 2008 Father Gregory Wilson Rae Sim returned with his community to full communion with the Catholic Church. This act of regularization was accepted by His Eminence Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos, President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”. Father Gregory had founded a group called the Transalpine Redemptorists on 2 August 1988 under the guidance of His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and on that occasion took the name of Father Michael Mary.
Now this community is reconciled to the Church and the three priests members have been regularized. As a sign of this full communion with the Catholic Church, they have changed their name to Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and are on the way to the approval of their Institute. The community has 18 members, among whom are the three priests who have just been regularized. For faculties they will proceed “ad norman juris”. For nine years the community has had its seat on the island of Papa Stronsay in the Diocese of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Now this community is reconciled to the Church and the three priests members have been regularized. As a sign of this full communion with the Catholic Church, they have changed their name to Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer and are on the way to the approval of their Institute. The community has 18 members, among whom are the three priests who have just been regularized. For faculties they will proceed “ad norman juris”. For nine years the community has had its seat on the island of Papa Stronsay in the Diocese of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Week 37: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 10th September
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 13th September
Bendigo Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Collingwood Farmers' Market
East Doncaster Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Manningham Community Produce Market
Mont de Lancey Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Violet Town Community Market
Sunday 14th September
Aireys Inlet Community Market
Avenel Farmers' Market
Kangaroo Ground Highland Farmers' Market
Natimuk Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 13th September
Bendigo Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Collingwood Farmers' Market
East Doncaster Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Manningham Community Produce Market
Mont de Lancey Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Violet Town Community Market
Sunday 14th September
Aireys Inlet Community Market
Avenel Farmers' Market
Kangaroo Ground Highland Farmers' Market
Natimuk Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
Saturday, September 6, 2008
We are grateful for the positive response we have gotten to this blog. Some say these are the best of times and these are the worst of times. With all that's going on in our world both good and bad, we need to seek God's guidance daily. We also need to be aware of happy and sad times in the lives of our blogging friends. I think it is wonderful how when someone has a serious problem that others
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Pro Papa League

Confiteor asked a lot of pertinent questions and we tried to answer him on a few occasions.
Today he posted a comment that we bring to your attention:
Rev. Fathers and Brothers,
Rev. Fathers and Brothers,
Your faithfulness to Tradition while answering the paternal call of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has transformed my thinking about the crisis in the Church, and how I respond to it in my own life.
Reflecting on these things and acting on your inspiration, I've launched a web-based project that I hope will contribute something positive to the Church.
If you view my blogger profile, you'll see links to two new blogs: Pro Papa Flagship and Pro Papa I. If you have a chance, please visit and leave a comment. God bless you!
Sincerely in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
I have been over to the Pro Papa League Flagship, where everything is ship-shape and ready for action. The idea of the League is to pray for the person of the Pope and to unite people in undertaking this pious work especially through the communication that is possible with blogs.
Mention is made of Sister Lucy to whom Our Lord said: "The Holy Father, pray much for the Holy Father!" The present Pope has received several vicious death threats from individual Moslems; this prompts the idea of a League of Prayer for the safety of Rome and the present Holy Father. Before the Battle of Lepanto, Moslems had said that St. Peter's would be used as a stable for the Sultan's horses. They hadn't planned on the power of prayer and the intercession of Our Lady.
Thank you Confiteor for the good example you give us in beginning this holy enterprise: Defence of the Pope through Masses and Rosaries.
God bless the Pro Papa League, its ships and those who sail them! May all your Masses, prayers and sacrifices for the Holy Father bear fruit in an end to the crisis in the Church.
We will place a link to the Pro Papa League on our blog.
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Week 36: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 3rd September
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 6th September
Bundoora Park Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
Daylesford Farmers' Market
East Gippsland Farmers' Market
Growers Market on the Green
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Kingston Farmers' Market
Murrabit Markets
South Gippsland Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Tatong Farmers' Market
Veg Out St Kilda Farmers' Market
Sunday 7th September
Castlemaine Farmers' Market
Creswick Market at the Mill
Heathmont Farmer's Market
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 6th September
Bundoora Park Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
Daylesford Farmers' Market
East Gippsland Farmers' Market
Growers Market on the Green
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Kingston Farmers' Market
Murrabit Markets
South Gippsland Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Tatong Farmers' Market
Veg Out St Kilda Farmers' Market
Sunday 7th September
Castlemaine Farmers' Market
Creswick Market at the Mill
Heathmont Farmer's Market
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