Thursday, November 16, 2006

#34 - Hero (see note!)

This week's prompt is centered around the word 'Hero.' You can choose any of these variations: hero, heroine, my hero, my heroine, or you can just use the word as you like.

Please follow these guidelines:
1. The link you leave must be to a new post that you have written based on the prompt.
2. Please leave a link to that post as a permalink in the comments. On Sunday Scribblings a permalink will look like a web address NOT like your name hilighted in the comment box.
3. Anyone is welcome to participate! If you have any questions, please refer to previous posts as they have probably been answered there!

Happy Scribbling!

1. xegbp
2. maisymac
3. ti
4. sarala
5. n l kyle
6. elspeth
7. rose of sharon
8. rethabile
9. ian russell
10. [a}sma{m]oiz
11. ptcakes
12. bernard
13. jane
14. annieelf (on last week's prompt) and annieelf for this week!
15. ~michelle~
16. r's musings
17. autrice deldrago
18. jenna
19. rena
20. shelley
21. papyrus
22. mommy
23. deirdre
24. catherine
25. becca
26. alphawoman
27. ascenderrisesabove
28. g
29. zandria (keep up with me)
30. inconsequential (has given themselves an 'R' rating :)
31. kate
32. twilightspider
33. january
34. meredith
35. bug
36. vinny
37. b/sistersshoes
38. liz elayne
39. colorsonmymind
40. jane poe (aka deborah)
41. mike mc
42. pip
43. diane
44. stacey
45. greenishlady
46. cynthia
47. stacy
48. the quintessential feline
49. left-handed trees
50. marilyn
51. remiman
52. cynthia e. bagley
53. jone
54. my backyard
55. wendy
56. giggles
57. lara lorelei
58. kamsin
59. aithbhreac
60. nuttersnotes
61. miss meep
62. paris parfait
63. yummyteece
64. the bold soul
65. lori-lyn
66. delena
67. melba
68. pluto
69. khambagirl
70. sundaycynce
71. mary-lue
72. diana
73. la vie en rose
74. ali la loca
75. black daisies
76. bella
77. bohemian girl
78. rose
79. forgetfulone
80. jayne
81. sioux
82. skyelark
83. karen
84. krista
85. karen the neid
86. mike mc
87. mystical moon
88. jemima

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