Friday, October 13, 2006

#29 - If I could stop time. . .

I admit that the prompt this week comes out of my own deepest wish -- to be able to stop time and get more done! If I could draw a single super power from the super power grab bag, that would be it. If I ever shared my lunch with an old gypsy crone who turned out to be a fairy in disguise and she offered me a wish, that would be it. And since right now I sometimes feel like a salmon swimming upstream, I find myself resorting to wishing that absurd wish a little too often.

What would YOU do if you could freeze time?

And also, if you could draw a super power out of the grab bag, what would it be?

1. the bold soul
2. viviane
3. skyelarke
4. jennifer
5. tara dawn
6. revmerrill
7. alyndabear
8. jim di bartolo
9. january
10. mardougrrl
11. megg
12. ian russell
13. ascenderrisesabove
14. insightful writings
15. jessie
16. michelle fry
17. northern lights
18. hundred and one
19. tongue in cheek antiques
20. ~kathryn~
21. catherine
22. michelle
23. dailypanic
24. yak attack
25. allonpaper
26. bug
27. remiman
28. papyrus
29. bella
30. amber
31. chiefbiscuit
32. cynthia
33. javacurls
34. kamsin
35. colorsonmymind
36. jvs
37. ~ana~ #I
38. ~ana~ #II
39. stacy
40. teresa
41. gemma
42. lara lorelei
43. djpare
44. swampgrrl
45. laini
46. greenishlady
47. boliyou
48. wendy
49. jerri
50. ti
51. shadow
52. repeater
53. becca
54. verity
55. left-handed trees...
56. kay
57. tammy
58. sam
59. tinker
60. sombraknight
61. dorinny
62. aithbhreac
63. susannah
64. mandi
65. cmc
66. shelliza
67. joy
68. rebecca
69. star
70. giggles
71. propter doc
72. susanna
73. susanlavonne
74. sundaycynce
75. yes is a world
76. brittany
77. rose
78. pip
79. speedy chick
80. xegbp
81. squeaky
82. deirdre
83. kay
84. ~michelle~
85. maggie
86. la vie en rose
87. kerstin
88. my pink sky
89. meredith
90. ali la loca

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