Sometimes writers find themselves writing what comes easily for them. If we are good at or believe in something we can write tomes. If we are bad at something or we find it difficult we don't bother. So this Sunday, the assignment is to write something that you never thought you would write. Push your boundaries. Test the waters. If you find it easy to write, you haven't pushed hard enough. Perhaps you are a fiction writer and you feel strongly that you will never write a self-help book. Perhaps you are a complete non-fiction person who is afraid of fantasy. Maybe you have decided that you will never ever write about your childhood. Tell us about it. Tell us why. Or write it anyway. What is it that you never ever thought you would write?
PLEASE READ THIS: even if you are sure you are doing it right, please look at this post regarding perma-links. We go on about it every week because if you don't do it we have triple the work to do on the links. Some of you have always done it (thank you!!) Some of you have recently figured it out (thank you!) And some of you are still not doing it right -
Good luck and happy scribbling!!
1. dorinny
2. jessy
3. sharon
4. autrice deldrago
5. insightful writings
6. tongue in cheek antiques
7. papyrus
8. ~kathryn~
9. kamsin
10. swampgrrl
11. desert rat
12. yak attack
13. message from the muse
14. deirdre
15. chelle y.
16. pacian
17. journeythroughlife
18. alyndabear
19. jayne
20. ascender rises above
21. fatcharlatan
22. ti
23. di
24. amber
25. michelle fry
26. hundred and one
27. nuttersnotes
28. leonie (chocolate covered musings)
29. lisrobbe
30. january
31. writer chica
32. rachel
33. catherine
34. shelley
35. briliantdonkey
36. gular
37. pip
38. lulubunny
39. kay
40. giggles
41. jvs
42. maisymac
43. lori-lyn
44. mandi
45. gabrielle
46. sheryl
47. brenda
48. verity
49. tinker
50. wendylou who?
51. emmie
52. kerstin
53. cynthia e. bagley
54. miss meep
55. michelle
56. twilightspider
57. brittany
58. paris parfait
59. donpare
60. roadchick
61. bug
62. meg
63. propter doc
64. patry francis
65. samantha
66. bella
67. the bold soul
68. a.b. chairiet
69. madeleine
70. georgia
71. mardougrrl
72. stick it in your eyes
73. la vie en rose
74. ang
75. my pink sky
76. zandria (keep up with me)
77. sundaycynce
78. kay
79. m
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