During a long absence from our family it is usual to write home to let those we love know how we are doing, to tell them of our joys and sadness, of those things we have received and of those which we desire. How happy our mothers are to receive such a letter, reading it over and over, looking for any requests of ours which they might be able to satisfy — mothers always like to do things for their children. If this is so for our earthly mother, how much more must it be true for our heavenly mother? The difference is that there is nothing that our heavenly mother cannot obtain for us from her Divine Son! She only needs to be asked and what better way to ask her that by a letter?
Every Saturday on Papa Stronsay we make the Perpetual Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour. During this devotion, letters, petitions and thanksgivings which have been written to Our Lady are read out and the community offers the prayers of the Novena the intentions included therein. The petitions are then placed before the image of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour, enshrined above the altar, and there they stay for nine weeks. Each of those nine weeks, the new petitions and thanksgivings are read out, and those of the previous weeks are included in the prayers. You too can write to your Holy Mother in heaven, laying before Her your troubles and your wants, telling Her of your joys and thanking her for the graces she has bestowed upon you. All you need to do is go to our
Novena page here and write a letter to Her. It is anonymous; there is no need to leave your name or contact information. Write to Her today, and every week so that the Fathers and Brothers of our Congregation can pray for your intentions to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour!

Petitions ready to be offered to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour.
During the Novena devotions the petitions and thanksgivings that are not marked as private are read out for the members of the community to pray for.
Following the prayers of the Novena comes Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.