Saturday 6th June
Bundoora Park Farmers' Market
Daylesford Farmers' Market
East Gippsland Farmers' Market
Echuca Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Hume-Murray Farmers' Market
Kingston Farmers' Market
Murrabit Country Market
South Gippsland Farmers' Market
Tatong Farmers' Market
Veg Out St Kilda Farmers' Market
Sunday 7th June
Castlemaine Farmers' Market
Gisborne Old Time Market
Heathmont Farmers' Market
Hurtsbridge Farmers' Market
Lilydale Produce Farmers' Market
Mulgrave Farmers' Market
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Spiritual Sundays
Welcome back to Spiritual Sundays. I hope that everyone had a safe week. We want to thank-you for taking the time to write such wonderful post, and for sharing them on Spiritual Sundays. If your new to Spiritual Sundays and would like to read a little what it's all about please go here and read all about it.God Bless,GingerSpiritual Sundays
Monday, May 11, 2009
+ White Night -preparation for our 10th Anniversary +
On the 31st May, Feast of the Queenship of Mary, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of our aquisition of the island of Papa Stronsay in Orkney.
We can never be sufficiently grateful to God for all that He has done for us... Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, Monastic Life and the Priesthood, ... ineffable gifts.
To that superabundance, we add the gift of a place to live, -our monastery in Papa Stronsay, Orkney.
Monks first came to this holy island in ancient times and remained until after the Middle Ages. 'Papa Stronsay' means "Priests' island of Stronsay." In those past ages the island was called "Papa in Litia" and "Papa Minora" which translate as "Little Papa", "Little Priests' island".
Now, soon for ten years, priests and monks, we have returned to Little Priests' Island, Papa Stronsay.
We will sing God's praises here.
The Orkney islands are now in that period of the year where there is light for most of the night. Since these 'nights' are not dark at all, yet nor are they bright, they are sometimes called "White Nights" in Northern countries.
These photographs were taken last night between 9.30 and 10.00 p.m. when the sky was cloudy, and the sea, perfectly still, was a mirror of the sky. The still air carried the sounds of nature: a few ducks swimming on the sea; the calling of the seals; and the breathing and moving of Papa Stronsay's Highland cattle.

Highland beasts of the Lord, wild and tame,
bless the Lord, in His White Night.
Benedicite, maria et flumina, Domino.
Benedicite, cete, et omnia quae moventur in aquis, Domino:
Benedicite, omnes volucres caeli, Domino.
Benedicite, omnes bestiae et pecora Domino:
Benedicite, filii hominum, Domino.
Seas and rivers bless the Lord.
You dolphins and all water creatures bless the Lord;
All you birds of the air, bless the Lord.
All you beasts, wild and tame, bless the Lord.
You sons of men, bless the Lord.
Praise and exalt Him above all forever.
And the night shall light up my joy.
(Exsultet of the Paschal Mystery)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May 11th to May 17th
Saturday 16th May
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Echuca Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Hume Murray Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Pearcedale Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Prom Country Farmers' Market
Riddells Creek Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Wheelers Hill Farmers' Market
Sunday 17th May
Inverloch Farmers' Market
Seaford Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Echuca Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Hume Murray Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Pearcedale Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Prom Country Farmers' Market
Riddells Creek Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Wheelers Hill Farmers' Market
Sunday 17th May
Inverloch Farmers' Market
Seaford Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Farmers' Market
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Welcome back to Spiritual Sundays. We want to wish all the ladies a Happy Mother's Day. First we want to pay tribute to God, and then to mothers. I'm so thankful that I had a wonderful Christian mother. I wonder who and where I would be today without her influence. I can't even imagine it.If you would like to participate in this meme and are not sure how to do it, you can click HERE for
Friday, May 8, 2009
#162 -- Healing
(Oops! Sorry for the delay. Meg told me she was out of town and I forgot.) The prompt this week = healing. From an injury, an illness, a broken heart. What do you have to say about healing?
+ Princeps gloriosissime Michael Archangele,* +
Let us celebrate the feast
of the glorious Captain of the angelic hosts
Today is the commemoration of his apparition

Hic est Michael archangelus, princeps militiae angelorum:*
Cujus honor praestat beneficia populorum,
et oratio perducit ad regna coelorum, Alleluia.
This is Michael the Archangel, the chief of the angelic hosts:*
He repays by blessings the honour shown him by the faithful;
and his prayer leads us to the kingdom of heaven, alleluia.
That the blessed Archangel Michael has often appreared to men, is attested both by the authority of sacred Scripture, and by the ancient tradition of the Saints. Hence the memory of these apparitions is commemorated in divers places. As, heretofore, Michael was honoured by the Synagogue of the Jews as guardian and patron, so he now by the Church of God. A celebrated apparition of the Archangel took place under the pontificate of Gelasius I, in Apulia, on the top of Mount Gargano, at the foot of which lies the town of Siponto.
A bull, belonging to a man who lived on the mountain, having strayed from the herd, was found after much searching caught fast in the mouth of a cave. One of its pursuers shot an arrow, in order to rouse the animal by a wound; but the arrow rebounding, struck him that sent it. This circumstance excited so much fear in the bystanders, and in them that heard of it, that no one dared to go near the cave. The inhabitants of Siponto, therefore, consulted the bishop; who answered that in order to know God's will, they must spend three days in fasting and prayer.
At the end of three days, the Archangel Michael intimated to the bishop that the place was under his protection, and that what had occurred was an indication of his will that God should be worshipped there, in honour of himself and the angels. Whereupon, the bishop repaired to the cave together with his people. They found it to be shaped like a church, and began to use it for the celebration of divine service. Many miracles were afterwards wrought there. Not long after Pope Boniface dedicated a church in honour of St. Michael in the great Circus of Rome, on the third of the Kalends of October (29 September), the day on which the Church celebrates the memory of all angels. But today's feast is kept in commemoration of the apparition of Michael the Archangel.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
May 4th to May 10th
Saturday 9th May
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Caulfield Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
Collingwood Childrens' Farm Farmers' Market
Croydon Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Metung Farmers' Market
Mont de Lancey Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Myrtleford Community Produce Market
Violet Town Community Market
Sunday 10th May
Aireys Inlet Farmers' Market
Girgarre Farmers' Market
Harvest Home Produce Market
Natimuk Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Caulfield Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
Collingwood Childrens' Farm Farmers' Market
Croydon Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Metung Farmers' Market
Mont de Lancey Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Myrtleford Community Produce Market
Violet Town Community Market
Sunday 10th May
Aireys Inlet Farmers' Market
Girgarre Farmers' Market
Harvest Home Produce Market
Natimuk Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Welcome Back
Good morning to the blogging world out there. We are so happy and excited that Spiritual Sunday is starting to grow more and more, God is good! Please join in and share your faith with us. If you have had a prayer that has been answered, and we have all been praying for you please share it with us. When we pray for so long, and God Answers our prayers it is so good to give him the glory. I'm so
Friday, May 1, 2009
Block by block - The Feast of St. Joseph the Workman
R. Dignatus est operari manibus suis, alleluia.
V. The Word of God, by Whom all things were made, alleluia.
R. Did not disdain to work with His hands, alleluia.
Brother Matthew and Brother Xavier
V. Gloria et exemplar opificum, sancte Ioseph, alleluia.
R. Cui oboedire voluit Filius Dei, alleluia.
V. O St. Joseph, glory and model of workmen, alleluia.
R. Whom the Son of God chose to obey, alleluia.
Brethren: may the peace of Christ reign in your hearts....
[Little Chapter of the Feast, Lauds, Terce, Vespers]
Joseph, holy workman, be the guardian over all our works, alleluia.
Whatever you do in word or in work,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
[Little Chapter of the Feast, Sext]
Whatever you do, work at it from the heart
as for the Lord and not for men....
[Little Chapter for the Feast, None]
Visita, quaesumus, Domini, habitationem istam,
et omnes inimici ab ea longe repelle:
Angeli tui sancti habitent in ea,
qui nos in pace custodiant;
et benedictio tua sit super nos semper.
Let us pray.
Visit this house, O Lord;
keep the devil's wily infleunce away from it.
Let Thy holy Angels dwell here,
to guard us in peace.
And let Thy blessing rest upon us always.
[Office of Compline]
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