Sunday, November 30, 2008
Ginger's mother-in-law is in the hospital and will be having surgery this week. She is in a lot of pain and has been for some time. She has a herniated disc which needs to be repaired. Please pray for Vivian. She is also my sister-in-law and my aunt. (She was my aunt first. Then I married her husband's brother which made her my sister-in-law).Charlotte
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wecome back to Spiritual Sundays. I intended to get Mr. Linky up earlier. I thought about it earlier this morning and decided it was too early. Then I proceeded to forget to do it until Hubby just asked me if I had done the Spiritual Sundays yet. With all that's going on this weekend, I hope we don't forget to share our Spiritual Sundays posts with our blogging friends. I hope everyone had a good
Friday, November 28, 2008
#139 -- A Winter's Tale
This week, tell us a story about wintertime. What's winter like where you live? What's the harshest winter you've ever endured? Like it, love it, hate it? (Or, you can write about "A Winter's Tale" by Shakespeare if the mood strikes you!)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Week 48: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 26th November
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 29th November
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Famers' Market
The Knox School
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 29th November
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Famers' Market
The Knox School
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Submission to Peter is the right way to go.
Since our reconciliation with the Holy See on 18 June 2008 statements have been made on the internet indicating that we had a ‘slow thorny’ road ahead of us and that we had been wrong to trust the Church. It was quickly pointed out that we had no faculties.
We had to bear these remarks patiently; it is good for the soul. In truth though, the only thorn to be borne in these statements was that they came from those we love, some fellow traditional Catholics, seemingly intent on making the worst out of our decisions.
In fact the road has not been ‘thorny’ nor has it been slow. Consider the facts. We were received by the Church as a community wanting to remain as such; but according to Canon Law we were not incardinated anywhere in the Church structures either individually as priests or collectively as a community. Normally speaking since we were not incardinated anywhere we would be without faculties until everything was perfectly regularised; this would take time.
But the Church being a true mother, aware of the needs of the community and the faithful in Stronsay who have recourse to us, has granted us interim faculties to see us over.
Surely since the Motu proprio of 7 July 2007 there should be forgiveness and a return to trust in the Church. This is what we have done. We trust the Church. We trust the Holy Father. We are not being abused by the Church or the Holy See; as some have said. We are not being forced to say the New Mass; as many say. We are not being trapped to be destroyed. Dear friends we are being supported and accommodated without anybody asking us to compromise anything. The bishops of Aberdeen and Christchurch have gone the extra mile beyond the limits of the canonical requirements. This is well worth noting. My experience of the Holy See and regularisation has been excellent. It has not been a bad experience.
We invite any priest who wants to consider being reconciled to the Holy See, to stay on Papa Stronsay for as long as he wants, anonymously and with no strings attached. Submission to Peter is the right way to go.
We had to bear these remarks patiently; it is good for the soul. In truth though, the only thorn to be borne in these statements was that they came from those we love, some fellow traditional Catholics, seemingly intent on making the worst out of our decisions.
In fact the road has not been ‘thorny’ nor has it been slow. Consider the facts. We were received by the Church as a community wanting to remain as such; but according to Canon Law we were not incardinated anywhere in the Church structures either individually as priests or collectively as a community. Normally speaking since we were not incardinated anywhere we would be without faculties until everything was perfectly regularised; this would take time.
But the Church being a true mother, aware of the needs of the community and the faithful in Stronsay who have recourse to us, has granted us interim faculties to see us over.
Surely since the Motu proprio of 7 July 2007 there should be forgiveness and a return to trust in the Church. This is what we have done. We trust the Church. We trust the Holy Father. We are not being abused by the Church or the Holy See; as some have said. We are not being forced to say the New Mass; as many say. We are not being trapped to be destroyed. Dear friends we are being supported and accommodated without anybody asking us to compromise anything. The bishops of Aberdeen and Christchurch have gone the extra mile beyond the limits of the canonical requirements. This is well worth noting. My experience of the Holy See and regularisation has been excellent. It has not been a bad experience.
We invite any priest who wants to consider being reconciled to the Holy See, to stay on Papa Stronsay for as long as he wants, anonymously and with no strings attached. Submission to Peter is the right way to go.
Jurisdiction for Confessions
On 31 October, 2008, the Right Reverend Peter Moran, Bishop of Aberdeen, granted faculties to Fr. Michael Mary and to Fr. Anthony Mary. These faculties include jurisdiction for the sacrament of Penance in both Papa Stronsay as well as the monastery chapel on Stronsay.
Spiritual Sunday
Good morning,I hope that everyone looks forward to Spiritual Sunday as much as I do. I enjoy peaking in on my computer during the day to read each post as they come. Ever Sunday my heart is touch by each and everyone of you, thank-you so much for that. If your new to this page please enjoy reading every one's thoughts and please feel free to post something yourself.Have a blessed day,Ginger
Thursday, November 20, 2008
#138 - Grateful
I had to look back to make sure that we hadn't had this one before! The prompt for this week is: grateful.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Grimoaldo and Bowen

Dear Friends,
Yesterday, 18 November Bowen passed into eternity. Between Sunday morning and Tuesday evening everything was accomplished as God had willed it. On behalf of his family and friends I sincerely thank you for the prayers that you have offered for him.
Casting about in grief one seeks to find some meaning and make some sense of tragic events. Signs of God’s will help us submit to God’s Providence that governs all things.
Last night we received an email from a young monk of the great Passionist Order living in Spain. His message was a little sign of God’s will for Bowen. The young monk wrote to tell us that Bowen died on the feast of Blessed Grimoaldo. What was amazing, and a sign of God’s Providence, was that Grimoaldo died on the same day as Bowen; that he was exactly the same age, 19 years old; and that he died from exactly the same cause, acute Meningitis.
A coincidence? Yes, of course it is, but more than a coincidence for those who have faith and believe that God’s will governs all things.
The young Passionist monk was also struck by the coincidence of events and faith allows us to see something of the mystery of God’s Will in this tragedy. Blessed Grimoaldo is the only 19 year old saint, who died from acute Meningitis. That both he and Bowen were 19 and died of acute Meningitis on the 18th November gives some tiny glimpse into the mysteries of God’s Holy Will. There are reasons, unknown to us, for everything. We are always in the care of our most loving God and the angels and saints. If no sparrow falls to the ground without our Father in heaven knowing it and willing it, then even more so it was with Bowen. And a saint called Blessed Grimoaldo had answered the same call from God on the same day and at the same age. God is so good!
Yesterday, 18 November Bowen passed into eternity. Between Sunday morning and Tuesday evening everything was accomplished as God had willed it. On behalf of his family and friends I sincerely thank you for the prayers that you have offered for him.
Casting about in grief one seeks to find some meaning and make some sense of tragic events. Signs of God’s will help us submit to God’s Providence that governs all things.
Last night we received an email from a young monk of the great Passionist Order living in Spain. His message was a little sign of God’s will for Bowen. The young monk wrote to tell us that Bowen died on the feast of Blessed Grimoaldo. What was amazing, and a sign of God’s Providence, was that Grimoaldo died on the same day as Bowen; that he was exactly the same age, 19 years old; and that he died from exactly the same cause, acute Meningitis.
A coincidence? Yes, of course it is, but more than a coincidence for those who have faith and believe that God’s will governs all things.
The young Passionist monk was also struck by the coincidence of events and faith allows us to see something of the mystery of God’s Will in this tragedy. Blessed Grimoaldo is the only 19 year old saint, who died from acute Meningitis. That both he and Bowen were 19 and died of acute Meningitis on the 18th November gives some tiny glimpse into the mysteries of God’s Holy Will. There are reasons, unknown to us, for everything. We are always in the care of our most loving God and the angels and saints. If no sparrow falls to the ground without our Father in heaven knowing it and willing it, then even more so it was with Bowen. And a saint called Blessed Grimoaldo had answered the same call from God on the same day and at the same age. God is so good!
Blessed Grimoaldo pray for Bowen; as you would say, your "companion in death."
With renewed thanks for your prayers,
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

Blessed Grimoaldo (In short)
Blessed of the Purification (Fernando Santamaria) was born May 4, 1883 in Pontecorvo, Frosinone, the oldest of five children. He professed his Passionist vows at the age of 17 on March 6, 1900 and began his studies for the priesthood at the Ceccano retreat. Two years later he contracted acute meningitis and died on November 18, 1902. His rapid ascent to the heights of perfection are attributed to his exceptional devotion to Mary Immaculate, to whom he had been consecrated as a child. Pope John Paul II declared him Blessed on January 29, 1995.
Blessed of the Purification (Fernando Santamaria) was born May 4, 1883 in Pontecorvo, Frosinone, the oldest of five children. He professed his Passionist vows at the age of 17 on March 6, 1900 and began his studies for the priesthood at the Ceccano retreat. Two years later he contracted acute meningitis and died on November 18, 1902. His rapid ascent to the heights of perfection are attributed to his exceptional devotion to Mary Immaculate, to whom he had been consecrated as a child. Pope John Paul II declared him Blessed on January 29, 1995.

Blessed Grimoaldo (A longer account from Wikipedia)
Born to Peter Paul and Cecilia Santamaria on May 4 1883 and baptised Ferdinando the following day, his parents ran a small rope-making business. They were a devoutly Christian couple and in an extra-ordinary occasion Grimoaldo received the sacrament of Confirmation at the unusually young age of five months. An altar server from a young age, Ferdinando was also a member of the church choir and the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception. A neighbour testified that on one occasion he saw Ferdinando lifted from the floor whilst in prayer. In 1850 members of the Passionist Congregation took possession of a monastery in the locality and Ferdinando soon became familiar with them, copying their lives of penance. His father encouraged him to continue working in the family business, but Ferdinando had become convinced that he wanted to join the Passionists. He was not yet 16 and his age prevented him from entering the monastery, whilst waiting until he was the required age Ferdinando took up lessons in Latin. He entered the novitiate of the Passionists on March 5 1899 at the monastery of St. Mary of Pugliano taking the religious name Grimoaldo of the Purification.
The Rule of the Passionists was severe and designed to test the novices with penances such as sleeping on straw, poverty in clothing and the wearing of a rough black tunic. Grimoaldo was especially keen to model his life on Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, a Passionist student. He made his vows as a Passionist religious on March 6 1900. Grimoaldo began his studies for the priesthood at Ceccano where he found difficulty in adopting a scholastic discipline; a difficulty soon overcome. Amongst the Passionists he was known for his great holiness and charity. In November 1902 he was diagnosed with acute meningitis and after many trials and temptations he died on November 18 1902. On his deathbed he prophesied the date of his own death and that of a Cardinal; Grimoaldo said:
"His Divine Majesty is here, he has come for me today, and I, together with him, must go to Rome for Cardinal Aloisi-Masella. I must be his companion in death." The Cardinal died four days later.
Born to Peter Paul and Cecilia Santamaria on May 4 1883 and baptised Ferdinando the following day, his parents ran a small rope-making business. They were a devoutly Christian couple and in an extra-ordinary occasion Grimoaldo received the sacrament of Confirmation at the unusually young age of five months. An altar server from a young age, Ferdinando was also a member of the church choir and the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception. A neighbour testified that on one occasion he saw Ferdinando lifted from the floor whilst in prayer. In 1850 members of the Passionist Congregation took possession of a monastery in the locality and Ferdinando soon became familiar with them, copying their lives of penance. His father encouraged him to continue working in the family business, but Ferdinando had become convinced that he wanted to join the Passionists. He was not yet 16 and his age prevented him from entering the monastery, whilst waiting until he was the required age Ferdinando took up lessons in Latin. He entered the novitiate of the Passionists on March 5 1899 at the monastery of St. Mary of Pugliano taking the religious name Grimoaldo of the Purification.
The Rule of the Passionists was severe and designed to test the novices with penances such as sleeping on straw, poverty in clothing and the wearing of a rough black tunic. Grimoaldo was especially keen to model his life on Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, a Passionist student. He made his vows as a Passionist religious on March 6 1900. Grimoaldo began his studies for the priesthood at Ceccano where he found difficulty in adopting a scholastic discipline; a difficulty soon overcome. Amongst the Passionists he was known for his great holiness and charity. In November 1902 he was diagnosed with acute meningitis and after many trials and temptations he died on November 18 1902. On his deathbed he prophesied the date of his own death and that of a Cardinal; Grimoaldo said:
"His Divine Majesty is here, he has come for me today, and I, together with him, must go to Rome for Cardinal Aloisi-Masella. I must be his companion in death." The Cardinal died four days later.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bowen Holgate, R.I.P.
18 November 2008
Feast of the Dedications of
Feast of the Dedications of
the Basilicas of SS Peter and Paul
Dear Friends
When suffering in this Vale of Tears, we look to heaven for succour and for consolation in grief, only to acknowledge that there is no solace that can compare with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where, in an unbloody way, the death of Our Lord is made present on our altars. Every new day's Mass has a special Lesson and Gospel assigned to it. In the Mass for 18 November, which is that of the Dedication of a Church, the Holy Scripture speaks directly to the hearts of all who mourn the death of our young Bowen. It says: "et absterget... And God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more. Nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more..." (Apoc. 21:4) As sinners, we feel the weight of our lowliness and we hope that Our Lord will notice us, not disown us, and even have a merciful word in our regard. Of course, today in our sorrows, ever providing for us, Our Lord has just such a kindly word that we may rightly apply to Bowen. In today's Holy Gospel, Our Saviour notices Zacchaeus who had perched himself up into a tree in order to catch sight of Him. He looks up to Zacchaeus, speaks kindly to him and personally associates Himself with Him. Even more than this, He defends Zacchaeus publicly saying to the crowd: "eo quod et ipse filius sit Abrahae ... he also is a son of Abraham." (Lk. 19:9). This day that brought sorrow, grief and mourning to us who are Bowen's family and friends, also, in the Mass brings us hope and spiritual consolation. This earthly life that the Church so rightly calls a Valley of Tears, is, nevertheless greatly brightened with the light that comes from the gift of Faith. That light penetrates human darkness and allows us to see beyond this life. As a child of God, a son of Abraham, a baptised Catholic, Bowen entered into eternity fortified by the Sacraments and the rites of our holy Mother the Church. He died clothed in the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, to which is affixed the promise,'Whosoever dies clothed in this Scapular shall never suffer eternal fire.' Our Bowen went to God supported by our prayers and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Now he has entered eternity. We cannot leave him there, as it were, by himself; no, we accompany him by our prayers, rosaries and especially by having the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for the repose of his soul so that, should he be in purgatory, he may quickly be entirely cleansed and enter into the joys of heaven. The Holy Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul on several altars; our love for him continues beyond the grave because he still exists, he is an immortal soul; once born in time he will always exist in eternity. Therefore, although we mourn his passing, we do not mourn like those who have no hope; but with love and confidence we pray for Bowen's soul: Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
19 years of age
"...eo quod et ipse filius sit Abrahae ...
he also is a son of Abraham. (Lk. 19:9)
Bowen Holgate, best described as having a 'gentle and quiet' character, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Timaru hospital on Sunday 16 November at 7.00 a.m. He received Extreme Unction at 10.00 a.m.
By 2.00 a.m. Monday his condition began to deteriorate.
Clothed in the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, beside the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and with the holy Rosary in his hand, Bowen Holgate passed into eternity at 10.30 a.m. NZT on Tuesday 18 November, the feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of St Peter and St Paul in Rome. Requiem Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Timaru, at 11.00 a.m. on Friday, 21 November, Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple.
We gratefully thank you, our friends, who, in your charity, kindly offered prayers for Bowen when you heard of his plight. Now that he has passed into eternity we ask you to still remember to offer a little prayer for his soul and another for the consolation of his dear parents and sisters. May God reward your compassion.

We unite our sorrows with the Sorrow of our Blessed Mother who lost Her Divine Son and held his dead Body in Her arms at the foot of the Cross. In Her lament She cried out:
"O vos omnes.. O all ye that pass by the way, attend, and see if there be any sorrow like to my sorrow...." (Lamentations 1:12).
May our Blessed Mother who knows the sorrow of mothers
comfort the mother and father of this boy.
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Prayers for Bowen, please!
Dear Friends
I ask you urgently, to please pray to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour for my nephew, Bowen Holgate, a young, Catholic, New Zealander, 19 years of age.
I ask you urgently, to please pray to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour for my nephew, Bowen Holgate, a young, Catholic, New Zealander, 19 years of age.

Admitted to the Intensive Care unit of the Timaru hospital, Bowen was diagnosed with Cerebral Meningitis and is now on a life support machine.
I ask your prayers for him to obtain all the graces he can as yet receive.
Please pray also for Bowen's anguished mother and father, Angela and Ross, and his sisters Grace and Claudia.
We are very grateful to you for your kind prayers in this painful time.
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

Prayer to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour
O Mother of Perpetual Succour
Grant that I may always invoke Thy Most Powerful Name
For Thy Name is help in life, salvation in death.
O Mary, most pure, Mary most sweet,
let Thy name henceforth be the breath of my life.
Tarry not O Lady to come to my succour
whenever I call upon Thee,
For in all the want which befall me
I will never cease to call upon Thee,
and to repeat again and again:
Mary! Mary!
What comfort, what sweetness, what tenderness,
what confidence does my soul feel,
in the very mention of Thy name,
in the very thought of Thee.
I thank the Lord for having given me for my good
this Name so sweet sweet, so amiable, so powerful.
But merely to pronounce Thy Name is not enough for me.
I wish to do so out of love.
I wish that love may remind me to call Thee always,
Mother of Perpetual Succour. Amen.
Grant that I may always invoke Thy Most Powerful Name
For Thy Name is help in life, salvation in death.
O Mary, most pure, Mary most sweet,
let Thy name henceforth be the breath of my life.
Tarry not O Lady to come to my succour
whenever I call upon Thee,
For in all the want which befall me
I will never cease to call upon Thee,
and to repeat again and again:
Mary! Mary!
What comfort, what sweetness, what tenderness,
what confidence does my soul feel,
in the very mention of Thy name,
in the very thought of Thee.
I thank the Lord for having given me for my good
this Name so sweet sweet, so amiable, so powerful.
But merely to pronounce Thy Name is not enough for me.
I wish to do so out of love.
I wish that love may remind me to call Thee always,
Mother of Perpetual Succour. Amen.
Then, please, add the 9 Hail Marys of the Novena
Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen. (x9)
concluded by the this invocation three times:
Mother of Perpetual Succour, pray for him !
Mother of Perpetual Succour, pray for him !
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Week 47: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 19th November
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 22nd November
Berwick/Casey Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Churchill Island Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Famers' Market
Lancefield and District Farmers' Market
Slow Food Farmers' Market
Yarraville Farmers' Market
Sunday 23rd November
Rotary Farmers' Produce Market
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 22nd November
Berwick/Casey Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Churchill Island Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Famers' Market
Lancefield and District Farmers' Market
Slow Food Farmers' Market
Yarraville Farmers' Market
Sunday 23rd November
Rotary Farmers' Produce Market
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Good Morning,Welcome back to Spiritual Sundays. More and more people are taking advantage of this blog to share their spiritual/inspirational posts and to be inspired by reading what others have posted. If you would like to share something spiritual and/or inspirational, please sign the linky thingy and be sure to include the URL to your blog. If you need more instructions, click on Learn More
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Week 46: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 12th November
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 15th November
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kilmore Highland and Produce Market
Korumburra Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Pearcedale Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Wheelers Hill Farmers' Market
Sunday 16th November
Inverloch Farmers' Market
Seaford Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Regional Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 15th November
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kilmore Highland and Produce Market
Korumburra Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Pearcedale Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Wheelers Hill Farmers' Market
Sunday 16th November
Inverloch Farmers' Market
Seaford Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Regional Farmers' Market
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Welcome to Spiritual Sunday's
A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a neighbor and was telling her about Spiritual Sunday's and gave her the blog address, I saw her again a day or so ago and she told me that every Sunday she get a glass of water and reads every ones post and that each one touches her heart in a different way but always walks away feeling blessed. Ladies and Gentleman thank-you so much for being a part of
Friday, November 7, 2008
#136 - Change
Apologies for the delay everyone! It was an easy prompt this week - you can either go your own way, or take the obvious route - it's "change."
Make sure it's a new post inspired by the prompt. No fair using an old post!
Have a great weekend!
Make sure it's a new post inspired by the prompt. No fair using an old post!
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Week 45: Markets for This Week
Wednesday 5th November
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 8th November
Bendigo Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Collingwood Farmers' Market
East Doncaster Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Mont de Lancey Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Violet Town Community Market
Sunday 9th November
Aireys Inlet Community Market
Avenel Farmers' Market
Caroline Springs Market
Natimuk Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 8th November
Bendigo Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Collingwood Farmers' Market
East Doncaster Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Mont de Lancey Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Violet Town Community Market
Sunday 9th November
Aireys Inlet Community Market
Avenel Farmers' Market
Caroline Springs Market
Natimuk Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Can you believe we're into a brand new month. Back when we started Spiritual Sundays November seemed a long way off. Now it's here. Last week we had the most people link on this blog that we've had since we started it. Ginger and I are thrilled that so many are taking this opportunity to share their thoughts with others and to be blessed by reading what others post on their Spiritual Sundays post
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