Wednesday, June 27, 2007
#66 - What's your sign?
1. elspeth
2. miss iyer
3. xegbp
4. rubyslippers
5. arboleda
6. pacian
7. cz
8. thefirecat
9. the empty vessel
10. mommy2angels
11. raymond pert
12. thunkful
13. lucy
14. clair
15. e_journeys
16. nonizamboni
17. ian russell
18. terina
19. myrtle beached whale
20. ~minutechaser~
21. gautami tripathy
22. karen travels
23. rob kistner
24. izzy
25. megnificent!
26. leigh in atlanta
27. tricia stirling
28. moonlight nimi
29. lissa
30. cheryl
31. pigeon
32. redness
33. betty c.
34. lacithecat
35. rethabile
36. clockworkchris
37. marcy
38. greenishlady
39. becca
40. regina clare jane
41. onion
42. dana
43. luzie
44. herb urban
45. novel nymph
46. kara
47. tammy
48. shelby
49. frances
50. jill terry
51. clare
52. sian
53. strauss
54. jemima
55. sonya
56. kamsin
57. verilion
58. blah blah woof woof
59. poppy fields
60. january
61. jennifer hicks
62. smtwngrl
63. gill
64. dani
65. wendy
66. cynthia e. bagley
67. wordsmithgrrl
68. jane poe (aka deborah)
69. sister ae
70. dahlia and balu
71. jacqueline
72. mks
73. lisrobbe
74. cynthia
75. gogo
76. viviane
77. sundaycynce
78. karina
79. roswellgray
80. bug
81. remiman
82. megan
83. sarala
84. j. matthew saunders
Our family grows!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Week 26: Markets for this Week
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus - source of life and sanctity
How great is Thy love for us! How great our ingratitude towards Thee! It pains us to see Thee so despised, forgotten and unknown. Before Thee, sinful and sorrowful, we acknowledge our sins and make reparation. For all the insults, irreverences, and outrages ever offered Thee in the Blessed Sacrament, we make reparation. For all the Masses neglected on Sundays and Holydays, for the Easter duty not made, and above all for the sacrilegious Communions ever received, we make reparation. For all our distractions, our coldness and our want of reverence at Holy Mass, at Communion and Benediction, we are sorry and we make reparation.
Give us, O dearest Jesus, the grace to know, to love and to serve Thee better. For the future, let our faith, our reverence and adoration be more worthy of Thee. Bless us, sweet Lord: forgive us every sin and fault; dismiss us with Thy peace in our hearts, and grant us the supreme happiness of one day seeing Thee face to face and possessing Thee together with Thy Holy Mother Mary and all Thy Angels and Saints forever in heaven. Amen.
St Aloysius Gonzaga - Patron of Redemptorist Students
St Cormac - 21st June
- The Acta Sanctorum records his feast on 21st June adding that he became abbot of Dormagensis. In the life of Saint Columba, founder of the monastery of Iona, Saint Adaman writes:
- "At another time, a soldier of Jesus Christ, named Cormac, ... made a second attempt to discover in the ocean. He had sailed far from the land over the boundless ocean, when St Colomba, who was then staying in Drum Alban, recommended him in the following terms to the chief of the Orkney Isles, in presence of king Brude: 'Some of our brethren have lately set sail to discover a desert in the pathless sea; should they happen after many wanderings to come to the Orkneys, direct this chief, whose hostages are in your hands, to take measures that no evil shall befall them.' The saint recommended this precaution, because he knew that after a few months Cormac would arrive at the Orkneys. And so it came to pass, and to this timely recommendation of our saint, Cormac owed his escape from impending death.
- "After a few months, whilst the saint was remaining in Hy [Iona], Cormac's name was mentioned in his presence by some persons in conversation, who were observing that it was not yet known whether the voyage of Cormac had been successful or otherwise. Upon hearing Cormac's name mentioned, the saint said: 'You will see Cormac about whom you are speaking, arriving here today.'
- After about an hour, wonderful to relate, Cormac arrived and proceed to the Oratory, whilst all expressed their admiration and gave thanks to God for his safe return."
The 12th century Chapel dedicated to St Cormac (d.640)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
#65 - I have a secret...
"I have a secret..."
Have a wonderful weekend!
1. nia
2. karen travels
3. dreamer girl
4. *clair
5. cz
6. herb urban
7. tiel aisha ansari
8. xegbp
9. megnificent!
10. arboleda
11. thefirecat
12. thunkful
13. rob kistner
14. tongue in cheek
15. awareness
16. ally bean
17. tori
18. matthew
19. ian russell
20. simon chase
21. liza's eyeview
22. kiah
23. autrice deldrago
23. raymond pert
24. lacithecat
25. dailypanic
26. jennifer
27. stacy
28. clockworkchris
29. tangerine
30. dahlia and balu
31. elizabeth
32. j. matthew saunders
33. bongga mom
34. ~minutechaser~
35. betty c.
36. beaman
37. gautami tripathy
38. regina clare jane
39. annie
40. paris parfait
41. colleen
42. khambagirl
43. herb urban
44. lucy
45. sistr ae
46. brian
47. patois
48. myrtle beached whale
49. eb
50. lulubunny
51. djpare
52. lissa
53. linleyshea
54. january
55. leigh in atlanta
56. jacqueline
57. kate i
58. gill
59. verilion
60. sonya
61. giggles
62. write from karen
63. remiman
64. kel x
65. lisa sullivan
66. shelby
67. ~amber~
68. megan
69. poppy fields
70. jill terry
71. pacian
72. inlandempiregirl
73. jennifer hicks
74. sundaycynce
75. footpad
76. lisrobbe
77. deirdre
78. the doll
79. becca
80. boliyou
81. rose
82. pixiedust
83. stacie
84. ra
85. roswellgray
86. e_journeys
87. wendy
88. jane poe (aka deborah)
89. amber (naptime writer)
90. jone
91. ampersand
92. daisies
93. dandelion
94. moonlight nimi
95. mommy2angels
96. karina
97. j.s. peyton
98. frances
99. marcy
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Week 25: Markets for this Week
CERES Organic Market
Thursday 21st June
Casey Farmers' Market
Saturday 23rd June
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Berwick/Casey Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Churchill Island Farmers' Market
Essendon Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Lancefield and District Farmers' Market
Slow Food Farmers' Market
Traralgon Farmers' Market
Yarraville Farmers' Market
Sunday 24th June
Tyabb Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Fresh
Yarrunga Farmers' Market
Solemnity of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour
As the coronation must be done with unusual pomp, the venerable Chapter of the Vatican takes the ceremony upon itself. Thus on Sunday, 23 June (the Sunday before the Feast of St John the Baptist), 1867, the Latin Patriarch of Constantinople and Dean of the Chapter, Mgr, later Cardinal, Ruggero Luigi Antici-Mattei, after having sung Pontifical High Mass and intoned the Te Deum, placed two gold crowns studded with pearls and other precious stones, one on the head of the Divine Infant and the other on that of His Mother. The bells of the church and canon fire announced to the people of Rome, among them more than 500 bishops who were in the Eternal City for the 18th Centenary of St Peter and Paul, that the sacred act had been accomplished. These numerous visitors later carried the devotion to the far corners of the world, where she is known today. They were instrumental in assisting the Redemptorists to fulfill the command of the great Pope Pius IX to: “Make Her known.”
Saturday, June 16, 2007
"Stronsay Footprints" seen on Papa Stronsay
Friday, June 15, 2007
#64 - Eccentricity
a) admit any eccentricities you may have, or wish you had, or any you might choose to cultivate;
b) write about eccentric people you know or have heard or read about;
or, the most fun:
c) devise a bunch of eccentricities for yourself, for fun -- either for your old age, or now. Imagine you've inherited a mansion and a fortune, and now it's your job to become an eccentric. You know, like having a pet pot-bellied pig that goes with you everywhere, and always wearing jodhpurs and riding boots (I had a boss that did that, though he owned a restaurant and didn't ride horses; he looked like a male Yoko Ono in riding attire).
Have fun! Invent your weirdest self.
1. xegbp
2. karen travels
3. gautami tripathy
4. autrice deldrago
5. kay
6. arboleda
7. herb urban
8. shelley
9. tiel aisha ansari
10. spacedlaw
11. jennifer
12. bohemian mom
13. thefirecat
14. tricia stirling
15. myrtle beached whale
16. ~minutechaser~
17. clockworkchris
18. awareness
19. lucy
20. regina clare jane
21. janie hickok siess, esq.
22. pip
23. betty c.
24. kamsin
25. colleen
26. dailypanic
27. melissa
28. matthew
29. stacy
30. megnificent!
31. tag
32. [a}
33. liza's eyeview
34. annie
35. bongga mom
36. lisa
37. becca (I) and (II)
38. marcy
39. jill terry
40. sister ae
41. patois
42. kg
43. e_journeys
44. mardougrrl
45. leigh in atlanta
46. j. matthew saunders
47. sonya
48. gill
49. strauss
50. tori
51. kikare
52. self taught artist
53. ~amber~
54. lisa
55. mks
56. write from karen
57. annie mahoney
58. bella
59. jessie
60. remiman
61. raymond pert
62. wendy
63. deirdre
64. djpare
65. ampersand
66. kara
67. mandi
68. sentient marrow
69. pinehurst in my dreams
70. cynthia e. bagley
71. boliyou
72. inlandempiregirl
73. roswellgray
74. lisrobbe
75. ell
76. jennifer hicks
77. vanessa
78. thunkful
79. tracy
80. rose
81. forgetfulone
82. tania
83. sundaycynce
84. daisies
85. frances
86. gigergal
87. hanulf
88. kerstin
89. rob kistner
90. molly
91. cz
92. sage
93. kate i
94. martie
95. giggles
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A recent visit to the Ukraine
On 2nd June we accompanied the Sisters on their visit to a high security prison to visit one of the inmates whom they were especially asked to help by the prison Govenor. Both the Govenor and the prisoner were delighted to see the sisters.
We took our handpainted icon of Our Lady of Pochaiv from the monastery to the Holy Mount. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who went before us to the Holy Mount had left colourful ribbons on the trees that mark the path through the forest to the top of the mount.
Sviata Hora
The Holy Mount

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Our Visitors
In May we were happy to host Professor John and Mrs Norma Morris, parents of our Br. Wolf Maria, C.SS.R. who came all the way from Cape Town, South Africa to visit us. Here they are pictured on St Michael's Mount, Papa Stronsay.
Week 24: Markets for this Week
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 16th June
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Hume Murray Farmers' Market
Kilmore Highland and Produce Market
Knox Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Sunday 17th June
Girgarre Farmers' Market
Sanctuary Lakes Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Werribee Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Regional Farmers' Market
Saturday, June 9, 2007
St. Columba

Friday, June 8, 2007
#63 - Spicy
Happy Scribbling!
1. kikare
2. xegbp
3. shelley
4. jennifer
5. liza's eyeview
6. lucy
7. jennifer (humble opinion)
8. autrice deldrago
9. rose dewy knickers
10. kamsin
11. myrtle beached whale
12. sentient marrow
13. kay
14. amber
15. ~minutechaser~
16. marcy
17. matthew
18. regina clare jane
19. tiel aisha ansari
20. rob kistner & rob kistner
21. gautami tripathy
22. ally bean
23. leigh
24. tori
25. clockworkchris
26. lissa
27. raymond pert
28. paris parfait
29. skyelarke
30. tammy
31. inlandempiregirl
32. colleen
33. m.o.m.
34. awareness
35. nonizamboni
36. stacy
37. e_journeys
38. shelby
39. kerstin
40. pip
41. kg
42. herb urban
43. melba
44. frances
45. jacqueline
46. janie hickok siess, esq.
47. betty c.
48. sognatrice
49. sister ae
50. sonya
51. gill
52. lisrobbe
53. bella
54. cynthia e. bagley
55. chad simpson
56. djpare
57. linleyshea
58. karina
59. rubyslippers
60. poppy fields
61. tinker
62. kim
63. mks
64. wendy
65. remiman
66. annie
67. onion
68. abzdragon
69. thunkful
70. roswellgray
71. chelle
72. jennifer hicks
73. tania
74. becca
75. rose
76. jane poe (aka deborah)
He fed them with the fat of wheat
The procession sets out from the chapel.
The procession pauses at the shrine of Saint John Vianney. The Tantum Ergo is sung and the benediction given.
Our Lady's Garden also receieves a visit from our Divine Redeemer.
Br. Roman Prepared the ground with flowers.
The community then accompanies our Lord back to the chapel.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A 'flying' visit to Papa Stronsay
talking with Rev. Fr Anthony Mary, C.SS.R.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Week 23: Markets for this Week
CERES Organic Market
Thursday 7th June
Casey Farmers Market
Saturday 9th June
Bendigo Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Collingwood Farmers' Market
East Doncaster Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Manningham Community Produce Market
Metung Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Sunday 10th June
Aireys Inlet Community Market
Avenel Farmers' Market
Caroline Springs Market
Kangaroo Ground Highland Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
Friday, June 1, 2007
#62 - The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse
{Sorry for the delay again this week. Totally sorry -- internet disruption. Have a great weekend!}
1. spacedlaw
2. crafty green poet
3. betty c.
4. rose dewy knickers
5. kay
6. carter-ann
7. awareness
8. shelley
9. rob kistner
10. tongue in cheek
11. deb g
12. clockworkchris
13. karen travels
14. kikare
15. simon chase
16. ~minutechaser~
17. stacy
18. annie mahoney
19. matthew
20. rubyslippers
21. gautami tripathy
22. regina clare jane
23. tracy
24. liza's eyeview
25. raymond pert
26. myrtle beached whale
27. mike mc
28. cmm
29. jeannine
30. novel nymph
31. tricia stirling
32. herb urban
33. jules
34. rena
35. sister ae
36. lisa
37. e_journeys
38. bug
39. becca
40. clare
41. catherine
42. ~kathryn~
43. patois
44. patois
45. both ways
46. igoddess
47. leigh
48. forgetfulone
49. jellyjules
50. inconsequential
51. tiel aisha ansari
52. mardougrrl
53. bonnie ann
54. greenishlady
55. maryam in marrakesh
56. january
57. shelby
58. frida
59. self taught artist
60. ra
61. inlandempiregirl
62. sognatrice
63. jennifer hicks
64. lucy
65. kamsin
66. sarala
67. sage
68. kerstin
69. mandi
70. cynthia
71. janie hickok siess, esq.
72. thunkful
73. tammy
74. poppy fields
75. cynthia e. bagley
76. jane poe (aka deborah)
77. remiman
78. kara
79. kristine
80. rethabile
81. arboleda
82. sentient marrow
83. thefirecat
84. abzdragon
85. chelle
86. strauss
87. brittany
88. molly
89. sundaycynce
90. rose
91. gautami tripathy
92. tania
93. giggles
94. jennifer/ the word cellar
95. jessie
96. jone
97. silver valley girl
98. khambagirl
99. frances
100. tag
101. deirdre
102. scott
103. xegbp
104. a
105. roswellgray
106. nia
107. jacqueline
108. tinker