Thursday, December 27, 2007
#91 - Now & Then
Happy scribbling and a very safe, healthy and happy new year to you all!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Nativity of Our Lord 2007
We will remember you all in our Midnight Mass,
'On that most blessed, holy and silent night of Christmas,
- When the rod of Jesse flowered and brought forth that never fading and Divine Rosebud,
-When the bright morning star ushered in that refulgent and everlasting Sun whose radiance dispelled the blindness and darkness of the hearts of men
-When a Child was born to us, the desire of the everlasting hills and the yearning of the prophets,
Christmas Eve
"Consider how, after so many centuries, after so many prayers and sighs, the Messias Whom the holy Patriarchs and Prophets were not worthy to see, for Whom the nations sighed, the desire of the eternal hills, our Saviour is come! He is already born and has given Himself entirely to us. A child is born to us, and a son is given to us - (Isaias ix., 6)
Basilica of Nativity in Bethlehem, Palestine
Friday, December 21, 2007
#90 - Holiday Memories
Holiday Memories!
Happy holidays, everyone! (And if you don't celebrate a holiday right now, then, happy December!)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Serious Issue
The devil is clearly at work here. We are doing our very best to rectify the situation, but we ask you please to be patient. The process has already begun, and all the copies of the latest Catholic for the USA agents are already on their way from Papa Stronsay to the US. The agent’s copies for all other countries will soon be following. As soon as we have organised the system of shipping the individual copies, they will also be sent out. Please bear with us. We are aware of the situation, and are at present doing all we can to sort things out. You can help us in this by imploring Our Lord and His Holy Mother to lend Their aid, and to ensure a safe passage for Catholic to the USA, and to the rest of the world.
We will be happy to reimburse those readers who have not received either the copy of Catholic containing the book “The Sign of the Cross” or the copy containing the book “Silent Night”, by adjusting their subscription accordingly. If you have missed out on either of these issues, then please email us. Since there is likely to be a very many such cases, we ask that you keep these emails as brief as possible, stating only how many copies you have missed out on, your name and your address. Thank you very much, and we offer our apologies to those who have missed out on their Catholics over the last 6 months.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Christmas Spirit
Week 51: Markets for This Week
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 22nd December
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
Berwick/Casey Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Churchill Island Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Slow Food Farmers' Market
Traralgon Farmers' Market
Yarraville Farmers' Market
Sunday 23rd December
Tyabb Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Fresh
Yarrunga Farmers' Market
Thursday, December 13, 2007
#89 - Dance
Please leave your permalink on Mr. Linky. Newcomers are welcome, just make sure that you leave a link to the POST not just to your blog.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Holy House of Loreto

The inside of the Holy House
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Week 50: Markets for This Week
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 15th December
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Hume Murray Farmers' Market
Kilmore Highland and Produce Market
Knox Farmers' Market
Lancefield and District Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Sunday 16th December
Bulla Hill Country Market
Girgarre Farmers' Market
Inverloch Farmers' Market
Sanctuary Lakes Farmers' Market
Seaford Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market (see here for latest information)
Werribee Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Regional Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
NEW ADDITIONS ... some real locals, Carisbrook butcher with ham, sausages and all sorts of carnivorous fair. Stoney Creek Oils, grown and made in Talbot, a family run company producing fresh natural Oilseed products and specializing in Organic Flaxeed oil and meal, the richest in Omega 3 for general well being. Mushroom kits for Christmas (for those who have everything), Angelica Organic Farm return to add to the growing number of fresh organic farmers and there will be cherries, strawberries and stone fruit ... yay
Deservedly one of the best regarded farmers’ markets in Victoria and possibly Australia, the Talbot Farmers’ market continues to draw thousands of people to the historic Goldfields town on the third Sunday of each month.
As we move into summer and the spring plantings come into harvest, expect to see plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit for sale, direct from the soil of the producer. Luscious tomatoes, crisp beetroot, peas and beans, corn, all kinds of citrus and stonefruit – blood oranges, plums, lemons, apricots, nectarines and peaches. Fresh herbs and lettuces.
But this market is so much more, as lovely as the fresh fruit and veges are – and they are truly delicious. Your Christmas dinners can be filled entirely from the enormous range of food you can indulge yourself and your family and friends in. Rich, fruit-filled puddings from the award-winning Pud. Wicked cakes and pastries from Tea with Alice and Maria Gulyas. Rich roasts from Beckworth View Highland Cattle. Ostrich sausages, creamy cheeses. Olive oils from the producers voted the best in Victoria by The Age newspaper’s Epicure Good Food Guide. Pasta, pasta sauces, ravioli, pierogi, spaghetti, fettuccine – all the fabulous flavours that can be imagined. Juicy dried fruit, crunchy almonds and assorted nuts. We could go on and on – but it’s much better to come along and see for yourself.
And the market is so much more than food. Seedlings of innumerable plants and vegetables. Fruit trees. Wheat grain, chaff and straw. In December the organically certified linseed oils and flaxes of Stoney Creek Oils will be at the Market for the first time. Livestock: the famous Chook Fanciers, with their unparalleled choice of birds and their extensive knowledge of all things poultry. Quail. Black pigs. Worms and worm wee. There are soaps and creams, lavender products – and native grasses and trees.
Then there’s the town itself. Talbot has a Town Hall market on the same day, perfect for finding that last minute, out-of-the-ordinary gift. Visit the new Corridor Gallery at the rear of the Crescent Community Centre for artworks, or drop into the fabulous Fanny’s Flat for the best in vintage and new clothing and accessories. Amble your way to Talbot Railway Station for railway memorabilia, drought tolerant plants and art. Slightly Bent Books on the corner of Camp Street and Scandinavian Crescent is full of literary wonders – and next door Shed 47 houses a gallery of large paintings whilst a few steps down is a treasure trove of collectables.
Eating out on the day is no worry. The Court House Hotel/motel does terrific roast on Market Day. The Quince Farm Café is renowned for coffee, cakes and unfailingly sunny attitude. And the latest addition to our food family, Big Fig Café. You need to taste the food there to believe how fine it is.
The Talbot Farmers Market is held on the third Sunday of each month – rain, hail or shine, 9am to 2pm, in Scandinavian Crescent and Camp Street, Talbot. (Mel Ref 620 J11)
Most of this article above was published in the Central Goldfields Visitor Guide December 2007.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
#88 -- Competition
Leave your permalink for Mr. Linky below. Thanks!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Week 49: Markets for This Week
CERES Organic Market
Thursday 6th December
Casey Farmers' Market
Saturday 8th December
Bendigo Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Collingwood Farmers' Market
East Doncaster Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Manningham Community Produce Market
Metung Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Sunday 9th December
Aireys Inlet Community Market
Avenel Farmers' Market
Caroline Springs Market
Kangaroo Ground Highland Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
Friday, November 30, 2007
A double celebration
The Apostle Andrew was born at Bethsaida, a town of Galilee, and was the brother of Peter. He was a disciple of John the Baptist, and heard him say of Christ, “Behold the Lamb of God”, whereupon he immediately followed Jesus, bringing his brother also with him. Some while after, they were both fishing in the Sea of Galilee, and the Lord Christ going by, called them both, before any other of the apostles, with the words “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”. They made no delay, but left their nets and followed Him. After the death and resurrection of Christ, Andrew was allotted Scythia (The Pontic-Caspian steppe: Kazakhstan, southern Russia and eastern Ukraine. The northern Caucasus area, including Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Sarmatia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland up to Oceanus Sarmaticus known also as Baltic. Southern Ukraine with the lower Danube river area and Bulgaria, also known as Scythia Minor) as the province of his preaching and after labouring there, he went through Epirus (southwestern Balkans, straddling modern Greece and Albania) and Thrace (The historical boundaries of Thrace have varied. Ancient Thrace included present-day Bulgaria, European Turkey, northeastern Greece and parts of eastern Serbia and eastern Republic of Macedonia. Its boundaries were between the Danube River to the north and the Aegean Sea to the south, to the east - the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara and on the west to the Vardar and Great Morava rivers. The Roman province of Thrace was somewhat smaller, having the same eastern maritime limits and being bounded on the north by the Balkan Mountains; the Roman province extended west only to the Mesta River), where he turned vast mutitudes to Christ by his teaching a mirachles. Finaly he went to Patras is Achaia (Peloponnese in southern Greece and bordered on the north by the provinces of Epirus and Macedonia), and there also he bought many to the knowledge of Gospel truth. Ægeas the Pro-consul resisted the preaching of the Gospel, and the Apostle freely rebuked him, bidding him know that while he held himself a judge of his fellow men, he was himself hindered by devils from knowing Christ our God, the Judge of all. Then Ægeas being angry answered him “Boast no more of this thy Christ. He spake words even such as thine, but they availed Him not, and He was crucified by the Jews.” Whereto Andrew bodly answered that Christ had given Himself up to die for man’s salvation; but the Pro-consul blasphemously interupted him, and bade him look to himself and sacrifice to the gods. Then said Andrew, “We have a altar whereon day by day I offer up to God, the Almighty, the One and the True, not the flesh of bulls, nor the blood of goats, but the Lamb without spot, and when all they that believe have eaten of the flesh thereof, the Lamb that was slain abideth whole and liveth.” Then Ægeas being filled with wrath, bound the Apostle in prison. Now the people would have delivered him, but he himself calmed the multitued, and earnistly besought the mutitude not to take away from him the crown of martyrdom, for which he longed and which was now drawing near. Some short while after he was brought before the judgement seat, where he extolled the mystery of the cross and rebuked Ægeas for his ungodliness. Then Ægeas could bare whith him no longer, but commanded him to be crucified in imitation of Christ. Andrew then was led to the place of martyrdom, and as soon as he came in sight of the cross, he cried out, “O precious cross, which the members of my Lord have made so goodly, how long have I desired thee! How warmly have I loved thee! How constantly have I sought thee! And now that thou art come to me, how is my soul drawn to thee! Welcome me from among men, and join me again to my Master, that as by thee He redeemed me, so by thee also He may take me unto Himself.” So he was fastened to the cross, whereon he hung living for two days, during which time, he ceased not to preach the faith of Christ, and finaly passed in to the presence of HimThe likeness of Whose death he had loved so well. All the above particulars of his last sufferings were written by the Priests and Deacons of Achaia, who bear witness to them of their own knowledge. Under the Emperor Constantine, the bones of the Apostle were first taken to Constantinople, whence they were afterwards (by the Crusaders, A.D. 1210) brought to Amalfi. His head was carried to Rome, where it is kept in the Basilica of St. Peter.
We also remember with heartfelt thanks the meeting that took place 20 years ago on the Feast of St Francis Xavier, 3rd December, between Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr Michael Mary during which the Archbishop encouraged father to begin the foundation of the Transalpine Redemptorists. This followed by a meeting with Cardinal Gagnon, Apostolic Visitator at the time, who encouraged father also to make a foundation, clearly indicated God's Holy Will and there was no option but to obey. Te Deum laudamus.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
#87 - Walk
(We hope you are enjoying Mr. Linky as much as we are! Please remember to add the permanent link to the post and also remember that this link should be to a NEW post that was inspired by the prompt. This is all about inspiring new writing after all!!)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Letter to Greg
Thank you for your most important questions about the little number of the saved. I agree with you that it is something that makes us wonder if it could be true. Probably everybody who has considered this matter would hope that 100% of humanity was saved for the Holy Ghost tells us that 'God wants all men to be saved'. Yet it would appear that it is not the case that the greater number is saved.
But let us first say that, with God's grace, it is not extremely difficult to be saved. Everyone who dies in a state of grace is saved. To die in a state of grace it is necessary that we be truly sorry for all our mortal sins, with a sorrow that is either perfect, or made perfect in Confession by the sacramental absolution.
Remember the young man who asked Our Lord what was necessary to enter into life. Our Lord simply replied to keep the commandments.
Many of the canonised Doctors of the Church, considering all the aspects of the matter tell us that a true devotion to Mary is an assurance of salvation.
St Alphonsus summed them up by saying that 'a child of Mary can never be lost'. A child of
To have a true devotion to Mary, he teaches, two things are necessary:
1 either that he be in a state of grace or that he truly desires to abandon sin
2 that he is constant in his practise of devotion to the Mother of God.
Then the Holy Doctor teaches that any devotion no matter how small would be sufficient provided that it is constant.
- So far it seems pretty easy for someone who wants to save his soul:
- If he is in sin he has to (seriously) want to get out of it;
- and he has to be constant in his practise of devotion to Our Lady;
- and he will make it into heaven.
Saint Alphonsus even gives you his well considered minimum requirement for what he means by devotion.
He says that he would consider that you had a constant devotion to Our Lady if every morning and every evening you knelt down and said the following prayer three times:
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with Thee,blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
By Thy Immaculate Conception, O Mary, make my body pure and my soul holy. My Mother, free me this day/night from mortal sin.
And Greg, that's it. - Saving your soul is not massive amounts of aceticism,
- nor is it knowing abstruce knowledge
- nor being in a state of de facto canonisation
- nor being among the top 1-2 % of humanity.
- Even if you are trapped in mortal sins and
- really want to get out of them,
- and if in this terrible state you want to be a child of Mary and get to heaven,
- and if you will get on your knees every morning and every evening
- and say that prayer to Our Lady....
- She will take you as Her child,
- She will intercede for you with Our Lord,
- you will get the opportunity of making a good confession,
- you will return to friendship with God,
- you will get to heaven.
That's not difficult. And it is theologically certain that a child of Mary can never be lost.

But Greg,
will people take the means? Here is the fork of the river. This is where the people vote by their behaviour and where, even though it is so easy, the greater number of people seem to choose not to bother, or not to care. So the saints throughout the ages, watching the way people live, have constantly taught that the greater part (or percentage) of adult souls are lost. They don't teach this as good news; it is noted that many taught it with tears and in fear.
And these authorities are the greatest Doctors and Fathers of the Church, here are a few of them:
- St Basil the Great,
- St John Chrysostom,

- St Augustine,
- St Gregory the Great (the Popes' Pope!)
- Thomas Aquinas, (the Angel of the Schools)
- St Bonaventure,
- St Anselm,
- St Ephrem,
- St Alphonsus
These people are all the big 'heavyweights' of the Church: - They are canonised saints because of their heroic virtues and holiness
- They are the Doctors, the great luminaries of the Church-
- it represents eminent holiness and theological depths all talking in unison.
Then there are the lists of canonised saints who are not doctors but who also taught the same doctrine, whether by
the silent witness of St Simon Stylites in the desert

or the booming voice of St Vincent Ferrier of the Middle Ages
or the gentle voice of the Cure of Ars in the 1800's; they taught that the greater number of souls are lost and the lesser number are saved
as did a host of saints in between them.
And what does it say when there is not a canonised saint who contradicts this opinion of the Doctors or even ventures to say that it is possibly a bit exaggerated?
I have not found a saint who contradicts this opinion of the Doctors. I've been looking. If you find one such Saint please send me their quotes.
But is it just the Doctors and Saints of the East and West who agree on this terrible point?
Let us go to Truth Himself and we find in the Holy Gospel a man asking Our Lord:
'Lord are they few that are saved?'
And how does Our Lord take it? Does he take the man aside? Does He whisper in his ear? Does he give some private answer so as not to frighten anyone? Does the Gospel say: "But he said to him..." ? Not so! The Holy Ghost says that he addressed everyone present using the plural: "But he said to them:
Strive to enter by the narrow gate:
for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter and shall not be able...." (St Luke Ch XIII:23-24)
In St Matthew's Gospel it is the same and more, Our Lord says that they are "many" who are lost and they are "few" who are saved:
"Enter ye at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction: and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate and strait the way that leadeth to life: and few there are who find it. ..." (St Matthew VII: 13-14)
It is easy in our time to give way to discouragement but if we will follow St Alphonsus by practising the Three Hail Marys there is no need for this discouragement.
I agree with you, Greg, that making sense of it all is another step. God's Victory is that everything of His Creation will glorify Him from their own free choice. With the angels we know that by their free choice one third of them chose to become devils for eternity. It is a cause of tears that many of our fellow men will choose to join them for eternity and that few in comparison to the many will be citizens of heaven.
However this few of the saved is to be understood as being in comparison with the many of the lost; but that is still a great number. "I heard as it were the voice of much people in heaven, saying: Alleluia." (Apocalypse XIX:1)
We are taught by the Holy Ghost that in heaven there is "a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues..." (Apocalypse VII:9). So there will be so many people in heaven that it will be impossible to count them all; that is how many the 'few' will be; we are talking billions and there is no reason why you and I should not firmly hope to be among their holy number. They will be glorifying God's attribute of mercy; let us also do it.
In hell there will also be a great number and, by the free choices they have made in their lives, they will have chosen rather to glorify God's attribute of Justice. Let us keep away from this by being truly sorry for our sins, by going to frequent Confession and Holy Communion and by our constant practise of the Three Hail Marys asking the protection of Our Blessed Mother to keep us from mortal sin (which is the great evil).
Finally, may I comment on your point that there is another opinion on this matter in the same Catholic Church. Yes, there is. But it is an opinion that is not certified by the Saints and Doctors of the Church nor by the weight of 2,000 years of tradition going back to the voice of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The opinion that 'many are saved and few are lost' also makes people careless about so many issues that are mortally sinful. Let me simply say, as others have said, it is better to believe Our Lord's words and the teaching of the Doctors and Saints. Their doctrine is life-giving. By following it one is attentive to do everything possible to grow in holiness. But the chances are that if you follow the opinion that 'nearly everyone is saved' you will probably do very little to save your soul; and you run the risk of not doing enough. It is dangerous thinking. It is the thinking that leads so many to the eternity of hell where they will be glorifying God's Justice. For we will all glorify either God's mercy or His justice for eternity.
I hope this helps in some way, and if you would like to discuss the matter further you could send a comment with your email address and the request that the comment be not posted on the blog. We could make contact that way.
Your devoted servant,
Fr Michael Mary, C.SS.R.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The twelve days of Christmas
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Week 48: Markets for This Week
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 1st December
Bundoora Park Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
Daylesford Farmers' Market
East Gippsland Farmers' Market
Growers Market on the Green
Healesville Organic Market
Hume Murray Farmers' Market
Kingston Farmers' Market
Murrabit Markets
South Gippsland Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Tatong Farmers' Market
Veg Out St Kilda Farmers' Market
Sunday 2nd December
Harcourt Farmers' Market
Heathmont Farmers' Market
Friday, November 23, 2007
#86 - "Misspent Youth"
Of course, if you prefer, write a fiction piece or write about somebody else's misspent youth. As you wish!
I do ask, however, that your post be somewhat in response to the prompt. Now that "Mr. Linky" is on the job, it's sort of an honor system! I am a BIG fan of Mr. Linky after last week -- I think he worked great and I'm glad you guys all get to see your links go up immediately instead of waiting for me or Meg to do it! Cheers!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Week 47: Markets for This Week
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 24th November
Ballarat Lakeside Farmers' Market
Berwick/Casey Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Churchill Island Farmers' Market
Essendon Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Farmers' Market
Lancefield and District Farmers' Market
Slow Food Farmers' Market
Traralgon Farmers' Market
Yarraville Farmers' Market
Sunday 25th November
Tyabb Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Fresh
Yarrunga Farmers' Market
Thursday, November 15, 2007
#85 - "I carry"
The permalink should look like this:
Not like this:
Let us know what you think!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Week 46: Markets for This Week
CERES Organic Market
Thursday 15th November
Casey Farmers' Market
Saturday 17th November
Bayswater Farmers' Market
Boroondara Farmers' Market
Buninyong Farmers' Market
Carlton Gardens Farmers' Market
Central Murray Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Drouin Farmers' Market
Gasworks Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Hume Murray Farmers' Market
Kilmore Highland and Produce Market
Knox Farmers' Market
Moyhu Farmers' Market
Port Fairy Farmers' Market
Sunraysia Farmers' Market
Wellington Farmers' Market
Sunday 18th November
Girgarre Farmers' Market
Sanctuary Lakes Farmers' Market
Talbot Farmers' Market
Werribee Farmers' Market
Yarra Valley Regional Farmers' Market
Friday, November 9, 2007
#84 - Left & Right
1. xegbp
2. tiel aisha ansari
3. kiah
4. autrice deldrago
5. colleen
6. mks
7. rob kistner
8. ana
9. just jen
10. granny smith
11. shelley
12. jane poe (aka deborah)
13. herb urban
14. mad kane
15. redness
16. steve
17. remiman
18. gautami tripathy
19. paul
20. becca
21. gemma
22. liza's eyeview
23. paisley
24. clockworkchris
25. myrtle beached whale
26. arboleda
27. omg
28. lucy
29. pen and the sword
30. sister ae
31. sonya
32. tumblewords
33. rena
34. patois
35. bonggamom
36. aim claim
37. marcy
38. devil mood
39. nonizamboni
40. the alchemist
41. djpare (part 1)
42. djpare (part 2)
43. june
44. rose
45. khambagirl
46. rachelle
47. inland empire girl
48. poppy fields
49. lesley
50. ali la loca
51. jo
52. kathy
53. linda
54. vanessa
55. secret agent mama
56. self taught artist
57. shelby
58. rose dewy knickers
59. ul
60. ell
61. cynthia e. bagley
62. e_journeys
63. marilyn
64. rebecca
65. stacy
66. brittany
67. quincee
68. kentucky gal
69. mandi
275th anniversary of the CSSR!
Ad multos annos! Vivat in aeternum!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Papa Stronsay in a breeze of 80 knots!
Today winds reached 80 knots from the North West. Because our monastery is located on Southern side of the island, we didn't suffer any damage, it was a breeze; but on Stronsay, across the water, our St Magnus Priory together with rest of Whitehall Village lost its supply of electricity.
Looking accross of Papa Stronsay territorial waters towards Stronsay.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Week 45: Markets for This Week
CERES Organic Market
Saturday 10th November
Bendigo Farmers' Market
Cardinia Ranges Farmers' Market
Central Geelong Farmers' Market
CERES Organic Market
Collingwood Farmers' Market
East Doncaster Farmers' Market
Healesville Organic Market
Kyneton Farmers' Market
Manningham Community Produce Market
Metung Farmers' Market
Mornington Farmers' Market
Sunday 11th November
Aireys Inlet Community Market
Avenel Farmers' Market
Caroline Springs Market
Kangaroo Ground Highland Farmers' Market
Whitehorse Farmers' Market
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
#83 - Money
1. rob kistner
2. arboleda
3. just jen
4. xegbp
5. shelley
6. kiah
7. --jenna
8. herb urban
9. paul
10. liza's eyeview
11. crafty green poet
12. rose dewy knickers
13. matthew
14. left-handed trees
15. ther
16. tumblewords
17. gautami tripathy
18. nonizamboni
19. ~kathryn~
20. steve
21. laura thompson
22. sister ae
23. jo
24. khambagirl
25. paisley
26. redness
27. melba
28. stacy
29. mandi
30. inland empire girl
31. karen
32. january
33. giggles
34. joseph c. harris
35. djpare
36. myrtle beached whale
37. lucy
38. nuttersnotes
39. marcy
40. ascenderrisesabove
41. granny smith
42. john tran
43. forgetfulone
44. renee
45. vicki
46. sognatrice
47. gill
48. ice
49. pen and the sword
50. vanessa
51. robin
52. patois
53. lisa
54. secret agency mama
55. wendy
56. sonya
57. jennifer hicks
58. brittany
59. regina
60. javacurls
61. bonggamom
62. this girl remembers
63. raven
64. awareness
65. karina
66. mad kane
67. rose
68. ul
69. angel
70. bipolarbear
71. roswellgray
72. paul a. rodgers
73. homeinkabul
74. rachelle
75. lesley
76. ingrid
77. marilyn
78. christy
Redemptorists abroad
Father joined nine other top class speakers including John Vennari, Fr Patrick Perez, Michael Matt and Dr. David Allan White. The conference was commemorating the centenary of Pope St. Pius X’s landmark anti-modernist encyclical, Pascendi. Rev Fr Anthony Mary spoke on the subject of saving your soul amidst the present crisis. Just as Father was talking about the importance of being aware of the presence of Angels and Devils all around us, the fire alarms were mysteriously triggered in the conference room, disrupting the conference quite considerably. However, all Satan managed to achieve was a few extra decades of the rosary, recited by all 210 members of the audience, while they waited for the alarms to be shut down. The large number of people attending made this the most successful Catholic Family News conference yet. We hope that every one present received many graces and renewed strength to keep up the combat for the Faith.